Monday, October 7, 2013

Women and the Priesthood

You can feel the swelling motions of women rising.  Exciting, Uncomfortable, Relieving, and at times Unnerving.

Some of us are rising gently and calmly, not even knowing what these feelings are that are stirring us to action.  

Some of us resist the call, wanting to bask in comfort and security, but our convictions are compelling us to push forward.  

Some of us rise with passion and confidence ready to blaze a trail for our sisters to follow.  

Some of us can't help our curiosity to hear the views of others, we claim we are not participating, but our judgments and opinions reveal otherwise.

I hear the voices of women calling for something more because we feel something is missing and we long to be whole.  

Is the the Priesthood that is calling to us?  

I say, indeed, it is.  

We don't know what it looks like.   We aren't sure how it fits.  We want to please our Savior and do as He would do.  We are fallen, our dark glass is evident, we just know there is more.

We are called prideful, selfish, distracted, and misled.  But as we analyze our self, yet again as women do, and seek to know God's will, we are shown that though there are times we are prideful, selfish, distracted and misled, our true intention is to access that power that seems to have been denied women for generations, even from the beginning of time.  

It is difficult to differentiate what are the traditional roles of men and women and what really is our divine role in the eternal plan of our Eternal Father? It is cloudy to us here on earth. We don't long to be more than what is in the grand plan, we long to be rightly positioned.  We look at past errors in the history of the church and we wonder if something has been overlooked. Because of the past oppression of women we are suspicious about what still remains hidden regarding our true identity.  Because it has only been within the last year that the church has been blessed to hear the voice of women praying during General Conference we wonder what else has been overlooked?

We don't mean to be rebellious, but we long for someone in authority to define it for us. After all the earnest, guided, thoughtful and prayerful attempts by sensitive leaders, many are still left wanting, searching, longing for clarity about what rights we have to open the windows of heaven and call forth the precious power we know is ours and we know our Eternal Father longs for us to use.

An accusatory tone has been placed upon Eve since the Old Testament was conceived.  We are grateful for modern day revelation that elevates our dear prophetess and reveals her action in the garden as an act of self sacrifice and wisdom, not weakness and sin.  Paul reveals his view of the traditional role of women in the church, to be silent, when our present day prophets are counseling those in authority to seek the wisdom of women. It seems that since Eve first recognized Satan in the Garden and revealed his identity, Satan has had it out for her ever since.

It is my belief that the true role of women will be the final weapon against the Adversary in these end times. He is making every attempt to distort her identity because he is panicked.  But steady and sure are the voices we hear that are calling us to arise, prepare and receive the power and gifts that have been and always will be the inheritance of the daughters of God.  

This blog is my attempt to join with my sisters is sounding the clarion call to wake up and take our place, the time is at hand and we will not be denied.  This power we seek will be found in our covenants.  This power will increase as we make the effort to become a Zion people, which requires unity in all things.  We must not participate in creating division and discord or we have been deceived.  

As we step forward with an eye single to the glory of God, in the absence of self-promotion or worldly trends we must trust in an all loving and all wise Eternal Father and Mother who will bestow upon us all that has been promised.

For any confusion about where I stand about women and the priesthood, please see my blog "My Stand on the Priesthood" before assuming I affiliate with other feminist groups.


  1. Excellent. I trust that if I am ever meant to personally exercise the priesthood by receiving it as an ordination, that it will happen. I am perfectly happy in my own element. I do not feel as though I am lacking because I have not received and ordination that my husband and other men have. I feel that it is always accessible by me. (And since I grew up without it and still had access, I do understand not having it available 24/7). I also understand that through my faith, I can accomplish anything. And I believe there is a spirit of power working among all women. We can embrace that power, channel our gifts, and bless the world in ways never before seen. It is my wish to help inspire that in other women. Members of our faith, and members of other faith. God wants a powerful people in every place He can get it. And I believe it is time for women everywhere to break the shackles Satan attempts to bind us with, and to make the very jaws of hell shake at what women can and will unleash if they only learn and accept the challenge.

  2. Thank you Dawn. "I believe it is time for women everywhere to break the shackles Stan attempts to bind us with, and to make the very jaws of hell shake at what women can and will unleash if they only learn and accept the challenge".

  3. Thanks for this Wendi. I especially love the focus on Zion! OK, I'm gonna cut right to what I would like....a priestess-hood for certain rites of passage in a woman's life. We already have this in the temple, at least in part, leading up to eternal marriage, but what about for pregnancy and birth also? What I wouldn't give to have had a group of sisters bless me when I was pregnant, preparing for birth, during birth and just after. My understanding is the early RS sisters offered prayers that looked a lot like priesthood blessings in these situations. Somehow this role has migrated to the priesthood over the years, probably in part as institutionalized medical care took over the role formerly performed by the sisters. Although it would be possible to organize ourselves and reclaim this role, how much better for our Church to acknowledge the uniquely spiritual and feminine elements present in these life events through a priestess-hood. Additional power will be available to bless one another and further the cause of Zion.

  4. Thanks Julie. I posted the actions of the early sisters in Zion you mention in my other blog "Where are the Prophetesses?"

    I would like to be a voice, not for the leaders to consider ordaining women, but a voice for women to rise up and access the power that has already been given. These are simple questions we are not receiving instruction on, like, "Can I give my child a blessing?" "Is it appropriate to guide my husband in a blessing by using my spiritual gifts?" Do I have the right to call forth angels? Do I have the right and ability to cast out devils? You and I know the answer to this, but many women under the covenant do not understand their priesthood power. Because they fear crossing a line, they live beneath their privileges.
